  Return to work, as early and as safely as possible.
  Better socialisation and family interaction.
  Early discharge and early home activities.
  Fewer drugs and medical clinic visits.
  Fewer readmissions and re-do procedures.
  Reduction in overall medical costs.
Comprehensive Risk factor intervention for SECONDARY PREVENTION
Consensus Panel Statement – AHA on Preventing Heart Attack and Death in patients with CAD
“ Compelling scientific evidence, including data from recent studies in patients with coronary artery disease, demonstrate that a comprehensive risk factor intervention can extend overall survival, improve quality of life, decrease need for an interventional procedures like PTCA – CABG, and reduce the incidence of subsequent myocardial infarction.”
Phases Of Cardiac Rehabilitation
Cardiac rehabilitation is a way for people who have had bypass, balloon angioplasty, heart attack, or other cardiac surgical procedures to get going again. A team of physicians, nurses, exercise physiologists will help you feel well again by leading you through a rehab program designed to fit your needs. There are four phases of cardiac rehabilitation.
Phase I
Phase I begins early after a cardiac event, while you are still in the hospital. This phase usually includes light supervised exercise such as walking the halls and stair climbing. Additional education is provided by hospital nurses and physical therapists. You should ask the hospital staff about risk factors, diet, medication instruction, sexual activity, exercise and normal life at home.
Phase II
Phase II is the early outpatient phase of cardiac rehabilitation. This phase usually required a physician referral and involves telemetry monitoring. Entrance into the program is usually 2 to 6 weeks after discharge from the hospital. Most programs meet for one hour three or more times per week for twelve weeks.
Phase II aims to return you to the normal active life and put you, not your heart condition, in charge of your life. Education is a major emphasis in the Phase II program and is accomplished through individual or group instruction. Your spouse or other family members are encouraged to attend the education sessions with you.
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